
FX.co ★ Saham teknologi paling menarik untuk berinvestasi

Saham teknologi paling menarik untuk berinvestasi

Kekhawatiran akan resesi meningkat sejak Federal Reserve AS memulai pengetatan moneter tahun ini. Sehubungan ini, saham-saham teknologi AS mengakhiri reli multi tahun mereka. Analis mengatakan penjualan besar-besaran saham teknologi akan berlanjut, karena perusahaan secara terbuka memperingatkan kepada para pemegang saham akan potensi penurunan pendapatan dalam beberapa kuartal mendatang. Namun, tidak semua firma IT akan terhantam. Goldman Sachs menyebut 4 perusahaan besar dalam bursa saham AS yang mampu bertahan dari resesi dan bahkan meningkatkan pendapatan di masa sulit seperti itu.

Saham teknologi paling menarik untuk berinvestasi


While most IT companies are facing a decrease in demand for their services amid record inflation, Amazon is doing great. Moreover, the brainchild of Jeff Bezos is forecast to expand in various fields. Thus, the e-commerce giant is likely to see a rise in demand for its media and cloud services, which, in turn, should become the driving force for its shares. This year, Amazon shares could swell above 65% to $3,700, Goldman Sachs estimated.

Saham teknologi paling menarik untuk berinvestasi


Since January, Uber, an American taxi service, has lost 45% of its share value. Nevertheless, it is still one of the most attractive tech firms to invest in. Many analysts say Uber shares are underestimated. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs experts foresee an increase in the giant’s share value by almost 140%. Uber shares may well rise to $55 by next summer.

Saham teknologi paling menarik untuk berinvestasi


Meta, the parent company of social network Facebook, may also see growth in its share value this year. The management team is optimistic about Meta’s future and is aiming to expand its 2022 revenue. Goldman Sachs believes that a company striving to be one of the beneficiaries of the metaverse concept has excellent growth potential. In a year, Meta shares could be worth $300 per unit, up by 60% from their current price.

Saham teknologi paling menarik untuk berinvestasi


Google’s parent company is another promising issuer that stands out from the general negative background, according to Goldman Sachs. Today, Alphabet is recognized as the world’s largest digital advertising platform. Last year, the giant recorded a record income of $257 billion owing to this business field. Analysts suggest the advertising market will continue to expand this year. In this light, the company could once again yield a solid profit and see its shares soaring by almost 40% to $3,000.

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