The ECB meeting, Mario Draghi's press conference and the published March meeting of the US Federal Reserve did not provide traders with tips on working with the main EUR/USD currency pair. In order to determine the following steps, both central banks want to wait for new macroeconomic reports. The European regulator is preparing to show LTRO in June, and Fed officials do not plan to raise interest rates until the end of the year, and this is at least.
What should the market rely on? Apparently, on macroeconomic data. In addition, elections to the European Parliament will start in May, in which the United Kingdom should obviously participate. Discussions on this topic have been underway lately, therefore chaos and surprises cannot be avoided at this political event.
The Brexit emergency summit brought a respite for the UK for six months, but did not add volatility to the pound, which continues to crumble. The British currency did not succeed in developing an offensive above $1.3100 and after Theresa May's promise to try to reach agreements with the opposition as quickly as possible and to come out long before the new deadline on October 31
Adapun risiko sterling dalam skenario keluar dari Uni Eropa, mereka akan berkurang. Bahkan jika May dan Corbyn mengembangkan perjanjian kompromi berdasarkan pada mempertahankan keanggotaan UE, risiko tetap ada di mana referendum akan diperlukan untuk persetujuan. Kembali lagi, skenario Brexit "keras" mungkin muncul.
Bagaimana dengan euro?
"Berita" pada hari Kamis menemui perlawanan pada $ 1,1285. Pembeli mengincar $ 1,1300, tetapi tidak bisa tumbuh ke arah ini. Pada akhir sesi Eropa, pasangan utama merosot ke $ 1,1256.
Menimbang bahwa selama konferensi pers Mario Draghi, euro dengan cepat turun terhadap dolar menjadi $ 1,1229, maka tidak ada yang mengejutkan dalam pelemahannya sebesar 28 poin dalam dua jam.
Mata uang tunggal memiliki peluang untuk pulih, tetapi langkahnya kemungkinan akan lambat dan dapat menangkap sesi Asia pada hari Jumat. Rebound yang sukses dari $ 1,1255 dan pencapaian lain dari $ 1,1280 akan membuka jalan bagi euro bulls ke $ 1,1310.