
FX.co ★ How to deal with difficult employees: 5 main types

How to deal with difficult employees: 5 main types

Successful and efficient companies value their employees who work every day to ensure financial stability and sustainable growth. However, sometimes, there are some team members that diminish productivity and spoil a positive work atmosphere. As a result, the whole team feels pressurized due to only one employee. In such a situation, employers may either dismiss a difficult employee or find a special approach to that person based on his/her personality type. Read about the main types of difficult employees in our article

 How to deal with difficult employees: 5 main types

Pessimistic type

There is a type of people who look at all events in their life exclusively from a negative point of view, e.g. the weather is always bad, the food is tasteless, the salary is too low, and the boss is a tyrant. At the same time, their arguments seem very reasonable and logical. They give rather vivid examples that everything around is very depressing. For the team, such employees are extremely dangerous because slowly but surely other team members start feeling the same. Pessimism spreads quickly like a virus. A bit later, the whole office is in a bad mood. If this happens every day, the efficiency of such a team will drop dramatically. The easiest way to deal with such an employee is to give him/her a task that will help change the so-called injustice that she/he has been complaining about. Thus, problematic employees will be involved in an interesting task that will lead to a noticeable improvement in their overall mood.

 How to deal with difficult employees: 5 main types

Always late type

Usually, always late types have a huge number of excuses for their non-punctuality. "The elevator broke down", "the pants were torn", "I got into a traffic jam" and so on. numerous other reasons why. For some time, they can really justify the late comings but sooner or later it will stop working. Late arrivals very well demonstrate employees' attitude to work. Of course, it is unwise to constantly forgive such an employee and turn a blind eye to his/her late arrivals. Remember that by overlooking late arrivals, employers show disrespect to more responsible members of the team. As a result, it will spoil the overall mood of the company. Why give rise to unnecessary talk and gossip? The solution is simple: to impose sanctions against latecomers but not necessarily ones that affect their salary. Sometimes it is enough to ask such employees to write an official explanatory note so that they once and for all drop their rather bad habit.

 How to deal with difficult employees: 5 main types

Inert type

Very often one has to hear from the management of a particular company that many employees never seek to take the initiative. Moreover, almost all employees become so passive after a while. What is the reason for this behavior? Actually, there may be two of them. Firstly, employees have not developed a critical thinking mindset. It implies that each new task will be solved in a unique way. Secondly, employees experience a lack of trust from their managers. Sometimes employers just need to trust their workers a bit more, and then they will see how creative their workers can be. Besides, this problem can be addressed quite easily. It is necessary to establish feedback between employees and management, as well as to encourage those employees who offer non-standard and effective ways to solve work tasks.

 How to deal with difficult employees: 5 main types

Narcissistic type

Such employees immediately catch the eye. They are distinguished by unreasonably high self-esteem or arrogance. Building relationships with such people is very difficult because they love themselves literally to the point of trembling at the knees and are rarely ready to compromise. Naturally, the attitude towards such an employee in the team is extremely negative. Very often, it becomes an irritating factor for the entire office because such employees exaggerate their own importance too much and thus require special treatment. Employers need to talk with such workers very discreetly not praising them without a reason. Otherwise, they will just boost their ego.

 How to deal with difficult employees: 5 main types

Aggressive type

Every person has moments in life when their patience is thinning out and then the righteous anger comes out. However, this behavior can be predicted, unlike the behavior of employees who specifically behave aggressively regardless of external factors and stimuli. It is just their everyday way of solving problems. However, putting it mildly, this can negatively affect others. Employers have only one way out - to abruptly and uncompromisingly stop such behavior and even more so not to look for excuses. The main thing is to start a calm dialogue and help such employees learn to talk without aggressive behavior patterns. It is a sure thing that the entire team will greatly appreciate what you have achieved.

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