The Chicago Fed National Activity Index for the United States rose to 0.18 in February 2025, up from -0.08 in January, indicating a boost in economic growth. Specifically, production-related indicators significantly improved, contributing +0.19 compared to +0.02 the previous month. Meanwhile, the sales, orders, and inventories category saw a slight improvement, with its contribution at -0.01 in February, up from -0.04. The personal consumption and housing category also showed progress, moving to -0.01 from -0.14. However, employment-related indicators saw a decrease, contributing +0.02, down from +0.08 in January. The three-month moving average of the index, CFNAI-MA3, climbed to +0.15 in February from +0.07 the prior month. ★ Chicago Fed National Activity Index Rebounds
Chicago Fed National Activity Index Rebounds
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