
FX.co ★ EU Compels Apple To Allow Third Party Access To Its Operating System

EU Compels Apple To Allow Third Party Access To Its Operating System

The European Commission has issued a directive to Apple, urging the tech company to make its iPhone and iPad operating systems accessible to third parties in accordance with the Digital Markets Act.

The commission emphasized that Apple must ensure "free and effective interoperability with third-party developers and businesses using hardware and software features controlled by iOS and iPadOS."

This initiative aims to encourage Apple to open its ecosystem to a range of third-party devices, including wireless earbuds, smartwatches, and VR headsets.

Moreover, the agency mandates that Apple must address interoperability requests from third-party developers in a "transparent, timely, and fair" manner, without levying additional charges.

The commission has warned Apple that failure to comply with these regulations within six months could result in potential penalties.

Additionally, the European Commission is conducting an investigation into Apple's App Store rules for developers.

Apple, in a statement via The Associated Press, asserted, "Undermining the protections we've built over time would put European consumers at risk," but also expressed its commitment to "work constructively" with the commission.

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