
FX.co ★ US Senate passes defense bill sanctioning Nord Stream 2

US Senate passes defense bill sanctioning Nord Stream 2

US Senate passes defense bill sanctioning Nord Stream 2

The US failed to stop Nord Stream 2. However, the US authorities decided to use an opportunity to create obstacles for the companies involved in the pipe-laying. The US Congress has passed a defense spending bill for the following year. The bill also includes sanctions against both Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream. Moreover, US President Donald Trump said that he would sign the document as soon as possible. The legislation also contains sanctions on companies that provide vessels for the construction of both pipelines. However, to avoid the restrictions it is necessary to finish the project within one month. The fact is that bill adoption is a rather long process. Thus, Washington can fail to sign it in time. Otherwise, the construction of Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream is likely to be delayed.

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