
FX.co ★ China presents its new crypto ranking

China presents its new crypto ranking

China presents its new crypto ranking

China's Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID) has published its new crypto ranking. Given that China is the largest participant in the global crypto market, this ranking reflects the popularity of cryptocurrencies on both a local and global scale. It may seem incredible for a wider audience that the legendary Bitcoin is ranked only ninth among other coins in the ranking, while market sharks will be surprised by the fact that Ethereum and Tron, long-standing rivals, seem to take the lead. The index ranks the top crypto projects based on three parameters: their underlying technology, applicability, and innovation. This time, Ethereum has received extra points - three for applicability and two for innovation. These points enabled it to get its second place back. Qtum, on the contrary, lost six positions, dropping from the 8th to the 14th line. EOS continues to occupy the first place. This is not the first year it has been the top-ranking project. The CCID has repeatedly stated that the rating does not represent the official position of the Chinese authorities. However, everyone knows that any news from China reflects the view of the officials, otherwise this news would not have been released. So, investors have much to consider.

*The market analysis posted here is meant to increase your awareness, but not to give instructions to make a trade
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