
FX.co ★ Spy scandal not to ruin Russian-Serbian relationship

Spy scandal not to ruin Russian-Serbian relationship

Spy scandal not to ruin Russian-Serbian relationship

Russian gas supply has long become a tool in foreign policy. Thus, the state-controlled energy giant Gazprom has directed its attention to more loyal countries after spoiling relations with Europe. Recently, Gazprom has started gas export to China at the rates well below the market prices. It seems that politics comes before profit in this case, although Gazprom has been reporting big losses lately. Russia will probably have to lower its gas prices once again, and this time for Serbia. The recent espionage scandal in Serbia involving Russian intelligence service could have cast a shadow on the counties’ relationships. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic ordered an investigation after a video appeared showing a Russian intelligence officer handing over money to a retired Serbian military officer. The Serbian intelligence agency has also found evidence of 10 other contacts between Russian agents and Serbian officers. Despite this fact, the Serbian President insisted that this incident would not strain warm bilateral relationships between the countries. He stressed that Serbia would not change its policy towards Russia but would rather strengthen its own intelligence defence. Notably, Serbia is largely dependent on Russian oil and gas and will continue to count on favourable gas prices from the Russian side.

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