It's so cool when a central bank head can control the exchange rate of the national currency, when decisions of a leader are really wise, well-thought-out and aimed at improving the country’s economy, as well as when central bank does not follow the instructions that have been forced by higher structures.
All these can be said about Mario Draghi. Market participants both in the euro area and around the world, carefully analyze his speeches as Draghi is the one who shapes the future of one of the most influential currencies. It seems that sometimes he single-handedly controls the euro. The last vivid example of an ultimate power of words was the ECB decision to start winding down the quantitative easing program. The bank decided to cut the QE budget from 60 billion euros to 30 billion euros. Moreover, the program duration is extended to the end of September 2018. After that, the single European currency began to sink, which undoubtedly pleased the European exporters.
In addition, the euro changed its course so quickly that most traders did not even have time to close their orders. However, the free market is like a living organism, and tomorrow there will be new reasons for the highs and lows.