
FX.co ★ Ichimoku cloud bearish signal in EURUSD.

Ichimoku cloud bearish signal in EURUSD.

EURUSD price has broken below the 4 hour Kumo providing us with a bearish signal. As long as price is below the Kumo (cloud), EURUSD will be vulnerable to making new lower lows below 1.1186.

Ichimoku cloud bearish signal in EURUSD.

The cloud resistance is at 1.1285-1.13. Bulls need to break above this level in order to regain control in the 4hour chart. The tenkan-sen (red line indicator) is at 1.1269 and its our first short-term resistance. The kijun-sen (yellow line indicator) resistance is at 1.1293. Bulls need to break above these levels in order to show signs of strength. Until then price is vulnerable to more downside.
*The market analysis posted here is meant to increase your awareness, but not to give instructions to make a trade
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