Bankrate: Most Americans feel financially insecure


According to a new survey from Bankrate, most Americans do not feel financially secure. Thus, the majority of US citizens find it hard to limit their anxiety in the current economic environment. On the one hand, one can hardly imagine that the US fosters low welfare standards as it is the world’s largest economy. At the same time, the survey shows that 72% of Americans are financially insecure. It may sound unrealistic but the majority do not even hope for a bright future. High inflation, a weaker economy, and depression are among the top barriers for financially insecure Americans. Bankrate’s report reads that 28% of Americans say they are completely financially comfortable. That compares with 72% who say they are not, which includes 26% who expect they will never be completely financially secure. Those surveyed noted that they would need to earn about $233,000 annually to be comfortable and about $483,000 a year to feel rich.