Russian money is clean money

The Russian money has been officially recognized as clean money. And that is not due to anti-laundering measures taken by the government but due to anti-bacterial measures taken by the Gosznak. This Russian company, responsible for manufacturing of banknotes, said that it uses antiseptics which kill bacteria, fungi and viruses, enhancing antimicrobial properties of paper. This method has been introduced in response to the comment of another Russian state institution, Rospotrebnadzor. It called a paper banknote breeding grounds for infections. Remarkably, the institution referred to all banknotes in general, indicating that a virus can live up to two weeks on a paper bill, therefore it can be a carrier of infectious diseases. The Gosznak tries to ensure that owners of the Russian banknotes avoid a risk of being infected. First, it uses antiseptics in manufacturing. Second, old banknotes are quickly taken out of circulation. So, the Russian ruble can be undoubtedly called clean.