US stock market sets new highs

Despite some gloomy anticipations of impending collapse, it seems that the US stock market continues to thrive against all the odds. This year, investors have been spooked by concerns over a potential recession in the US, trade war with China, and other multiple geopolitical factors. However, it seems that Wall Street is currently experiencing its record growth since 1933. A 14-week relative strength index (RSI), which is considered to be the main momentum indicator, displays that the S&P 500 index has exceeded 70 points - a sign of great optimism in the market. Notably, RSI has broken through this level just 26 times since 1933. Today, this rally is even more significant since it takes place amid already high stock prices. Investors have faced a challenge: on the one hand, the momentum is really strong and is likely to stay so. On the other hand, investors have to buy shares at a very high price, especially the shares of the companies with large capitalization. The choice might be difficult for the market players, but so far there is no obvious reason for taking profit or closing positions.