US sanctions unlikely to stop construction of Russian pipeline

Construction of Nord Stream 2 is practically finished, however, the US authorities are still trying to kill the energy project. At the moment, the White House is developing a new bill that would impose sanctions primarily on the companies that are participating or just planning to participate in the pipeline construction. Swiss company Allseas that is installing the Nord Stream 2 pipelines is also in the list. Reportedly, the US threatened to impose sanctions on Gazprom’s European partners. The US President’s administration intends to introduce a new package of sanctions before Catholic Christmas. The main aim of Donald Trump is to stop the Russian pipeline, however, none of the sanctions have managed to do this so far. In November, the Nord Stream 2 was more than 80% complete. According to the plan, the pipeline should be launched in the middle of the next year. It is most likely that new sanctions will also fail to stop the project.