Crypto exchanges deluged with new applications


A frantic rush to become instantly rich made many cryptocurrency exchanges shield from new users. The world’s biggest cryptocurrency trading platforms Bitfinex (Hong Kong), Binance (Shanghai), and Bittrex (the USA) suspended registration of new applications. According to the official reports, this move was driven by the need to renovate the infrastructure as the system is said to be overloaded with new applications for registration and verification.

Bittrex and Bitfinex decided to freeze registration of newcomers at the end of 2017, while Binance put new registrations on hold on January 5. Later however, Binance got back up and running, putting a limit to a daily number of new applicants though. As Binance reported earlier, it added 250,000 users every day. Meanwhile, Bitfinex pledged to relaunch registration of new accounts on January 15. Bittrex is still uncertain about a reopening date. According to Coinmarketcap, Binance and Bitfinex are top-ranked in terms of bitcoin trading volumes, while Bittrex is a leader when it comes to Ethereum trading.