World’s billionaire count grows to 2,473


Numerous think tanks are keen to gain insight into the elite stratum of the modern society. Billionaires arouse burning interest and become the subject of in-depth research carried out by Forbes, Bloomberg, Wealth-X, and other less famous research groups and rating agencies.
Nowadays, there are more billionaires than ever before: 2,473. They are holding more than $1.7 trillion in cash. Their total wealth is estimated at $7.6 trillion. Most tycoons live in Europe, Asia, and North America. No wonder Europe has the largest number of billionaires. Owners of a huge fortune prefer civilization, comfort, obedience to the law, and security. European countries can ensure that premium standard of living. Interestingly, men make up the vast majority of tycoons. There are 2,179 male billionaires compared to scant 294 female billionaires. Asia enjoys the fastest growth of the billionaire count that grew by 19.6% in 2015.
However, despite their power and pleasures, there is still something that disturbs their ultimate happiness. Alibaba founder Jack Ma made a surprising revelation at a press conference at the 20th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. He said that a success of his e-commerce giant caused him a lot of trouble, leaving him very little time for himself. “My biggest mistake was I made Alibaba. I never thought that this thing would change my life,” he noted.