
FX.co ★ Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

After Trump's presidential election win the American innovative companies can be confronted with a number of difficulties. The information about the reasons of IT-giants' unrest is in our photo gallery

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

The obligatory censorship in social media, the global moving of production from China to the territory of USA and the prohibition on foreign programmers are the key topics which are exciting for the Silicon Valley.

The head of the Apple company Tim Cook appealed to his employees for keeping together without reference to the results of the U.S. election.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump stated about his mind on immigrants and women several times. Apple adheres to the tolerant principles and holds a course for equality. These are the bare of the policy of the main IT-company in USA.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

More than this, the conflict between the republican and “apple” company arose when Apple officially refused to help FBI to hack iPhone 5C which belonged to one of the accused of the terroristic act in San Bernardino. Just then Trump appealed to the Americans to set up a boycott to the Apple production.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

During the election race Trump promised if he won office he would lead the Apple company to move its production from China to USA in an enforcement procedure.

The analytics forecast rising cost of the production minimum by one hundred dollars if the moving happens.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

The dollar magnate didn't overlook Amazon, he decided that the company paid taxes not to the fullest extent. Also the new president of USA considered it had fully monopolized the market of online-retail and cloud services.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

Trump's careful attention to Amazon can be explained that the chief manager of the company Jeff Bezos is an owner of The Washington Post magazine which has been criticized the businessman during the whole election race.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

There is a high possibility that Elon Musk also senses the anger of the new President. The fact is that the government subsidizes the automobile production of Tesla and batteries as part of the project SolarCity laying an emphasis on environmental protection. But Trump is not nearly an adherent of such activities so Tesla can lose its privileges.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

“America is for the Americans!” –the republican sees the world in such a manner. Therefore he plans to make changes in the requirements for H-1B visa receiving, on the basis of which foreign programmers work.
In July of this year more than 140 top managers of IT-companies have put their name down with an open letter against D. Trump, accused him of racial and gender prejudices. Also they called the billionaire as “a disaster for innovation” and an opponent of free movement of people, due to which Silicon Valley enriched with new talents.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

Google, Facebook and Twitter of Trump's imagining are dishonest companies as it appears to him, Internet resources stood by Clinton in every way during the election race.

Dull mood of IT-companies after Trump's election win

The founder of Hyberloop Technologies Shervin Pishevar reacted rather strongly against the republican's victory. He suggested to organize campaign of California secession from the United States.

MG Siegler, the author TechCrunch, made a pessimistic note that it was all over, not definitely because of Trump but because of people who had voted in favor of him.

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