
FX.co ★ First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

After the presidential election in USA the public eye is fixed on the personality of Donald Trump's wife — Melania Trump. Many people share one view that the wife of the new head of USA is the most beautiful First Lady in the national history. The First Ladies of which countries are also able to put their famous husbands into the shade – in our photo gallery

First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

    Asma Assad (before marriage Fawaz al-Akhras), the wife of the President of Syria Bashar Assad, is an example of faith and true woman's beauty. She has been being a tower of strength for Assad for 16 years. Asma was born in London where spent years before the marriage. After the woman has got the marriage proposal from Bashar Assad, the visits to London are rare if ever – only in order to call on the parents.

    The residents of Syria really love her – the popularity in the husband's native country can be compared with bygone popularity of Princess Diana in Great Britain.

    First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

      The consort of the fifth King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck – Jetsun Pema Wangchuck – is also famous by its beauty. The first meeting of the future Queen of Bhutan and her husband was not accidental: Jetsun's mother is a niece of the wife of the second King of Bhutan.

    First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

    Angelica Rivera, the wife of the Mexican President Enrique Pena, is one more First Lady under discussion. At the moment of the wedding Pena held a post of Chief Executive of the Mexico state, and perhaps the actress Angelica Rivera didn't expect to become the First Lady of the state over two years of marriage.

    Rivera is known to the audience by TV serial “Simply María”.

    First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

      The locals of Argentina are also proud by their bright First Lady of the state. The beauty Juliana Awada married to Mauricio Macri (at the moment of the wedding he held a post of the Head of Government of Buenos Aires) in 2010. In 2015 her husband became the President of Argentina.

      The most authoritative magazine in the world of fashion – Vogue – admitted Awada as one of the most stylish women of the planet.

      First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

      The current Queen of Jordan Rania Al-Abdullah (born Rania Faisal Al-Yassin) and her husband Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein married 23 years ago in 1993. At that time the future King of Jordan served as a commandant of the Special National Forces of the country. Rania became Queen in 1999. The famous fashion designer Giorgio Armani once confided that the consort of the current King of Jordan was his muse.

      First Ladies: bright wives of famous politicians

        Mehriban Aliyeva (Pashayeva), who has become the First Lady of Azerbaijan after 20 years of marriage with Ilham Aliyev, is glorious by her beauty. Besides of the successful performance of obligations as the First Lady of the state, Pashayeva holds a post of Deputy of Mejlis of Azerbaijan, where she leads the working group on Azerbaijan-France cross-party relations.

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