
FX.co ★ Top 7 future technologies

Top 7 future technologies

Technologies that seemed to be surreal yesterday actually exist and transform reality. Indeed, their presence in our daily life will only grow in the future. Today, we can take a closer look at potential leaders – industries that are projected to expand in years to come. Here is our top 7 technology trends of the future

Top 7 future technologies

3D bioprinting

A bioprinter works just like a regular 3D printer, with the only difference: it uses living material, such as cells, in order to create blood vessels or skin tissue. Some 80 companies around the world produce such devices. Meanwhile, bioprinting technology has been incorporated by leading medical laboratories. For example, British scientists can print the cornea of the eye, while in Spain, they print skin. Scientists also create bones and cartilage using a 3D bioprinter. They also plan to start printing human organs.

Top 7 future technologies

Cell-based and plant-based meat

Experiments in the food industry never cease to amaze. People have already learned how to produce meat, fish, and dairy products without using animals directly. Scientists grow food in test tubes based on animal cells. At the same time, there are even more progressive methods. Certain laboratories create proteins from plants. In fact, they are not inferior to animal proteins. This technology is believed to become the driving force of the entire food industry in the future because it can significantly increase the volume of product yields.

Top 7 future technologies

Computer vision

The technology that we have often seen in science fiction films is now widely used in different areas of our lives: medicine, education, transportation, trade, security, etc. Computer vision enables computers to interpret photos, videos, and barcodes using artificial intelligence. Analysts suggest that demand for this software will increase several times in the next 2 years, which in turn will lead to the expansion of the entire market for solutions in this field.

Top 7 future technologies

Microchip implants

Every year, subcutaneous chips become smaller, while their capabilities increase. Nowadays, electronic chips help their owners manage their bank cards and smartphones, pay for purchases and public transport, as well as open the doors into the house or the office. However, the range of their functions will soon expand significantly. Scientists pledge that microchips will be able to fully monitor their owners' health and even call an ambulance in case they suddenly become ill. Demand for such devices is forecast to soar in the future.

Top 7 future technologies

Gene therapy and CRISPR

Around 9% of the world's population are over 65 years old. Therefore, scientists strive to improve the quality of life of elderly people. Alas, it is still impossible to stop aging. However, it can be slowed down with the help of gene therapy. Another technology related to the work of genes is called CRISPR-Cas9. It enables geneticists and medical researchers to edit the DNA sequence in cells in order to prevent or treat genetic diseases. Every year, this technology becomes cheaper, more accessible, and simpler, gaining in popularity.

Top 7 future technologies

Cloud gaming

This technology is recognized as one of the most important recent developments. The essence of cloud gaming is the remote launch of computer games. Simply put, gamers will no longer need to update their computers to meet game manufacturers’ latest requirements. In the future, all games will run solely on a cloud server. At the same time, users will be able to control characters from their gadgets. In 3 years, this segment of the gaming market is expected to grow at least 10 times and amount to approximately $450 million.

Top 7 future technologies

Digital assistants

The number of digital assistants almost equals the world’s population. Their number is projected to rise in the coming years. Moreover, the range of tasks assistants perform will also expand. Today, smart speakers and other similar gadgets are capable of solving any problem. Microsoft’s executive vice president calls them the highest form of artificial intelligence and believes that in the future, they will become not just helpers, but friends for many users because their manufacturers are betting on personalization of devices.

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