
FX.co ★ Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

Receiving any award, and furthermore an international one, is an outstanding event even in the life of an award-winning master, for it not only guarantees a solid monetary reward but also causes admiration of millions of people around the world.

Read on pur article what awards can be called the most popular and worthy of respect.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

1 place – The Nobel Prize

Winners of the most famous and honorary award are determined annualy in each of six nominations. By tradition, they receive gold medals with the image of Alfred Nobel, diplomas and cash checks for $1.1 million.

On Monday, laureates in biology and medicine are announced, on Tuesday - in physics. In the middle of the week chemists celebrate their triumph, on Thursday - masters of literature. Friday is marked by the promotion of peace in the world, and Saturday is for economic sciences.

Despite the scandal around the Swedish Academy in early 2018, the Nobel Prize, just as 117 years ago, remains one of the most influential international awards.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

2 place – The Abel Prize

The Abel Prize, established in 2002, is the analogue of the Nobel Prize, only in the field of mathematics. Its amount of reward is comparable to the one awarded by the Swedish Academy.

The Government of Norway established this award when it learned that Alfred Nobel's plans for annual prizes would not include a prize in mathematics. It wished to pay tribute to the famous mathematician Niels Abel who contributed a lot to the development of the theory of series and the formation of the theory of elliptic functions. He died at a very young age, only 26 years.

The honorary award is given personally by the King of Norway in order to popularize modern mathematics among young people.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

3 place The Booker Prize

The Booker Prize, or simply Booker, has been a kind of standard and quality mark in the literary world for almost half a century, and the prize-winning books, one by one, are included in the treasury of world literature.

The British Booker is awarded for the best original novel written in English, and guarantees its owner a reward of £50,000.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

4 placeThe Academy Award

The famous statuette of a knight with a sword in his hands, standing on a reel, is awarded since 1929 for outstanding service and contribution to the development of cinema art.

The prize was established by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and is awarded in 24 main categories. Interestingly, there is no cash reward for the winners.

Walt Disney, the founder of The Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, is the most award-winning (26 awards) owner of the Oscar statuette. Such movies as Ben-Hur (1959), Titanic (1997) and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) are also record holders.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

5 place – The Grammy Award

The celebration of the 80th anniversary of the gramophone in 1958 prompted the Recording Industry Association of America to establish a Grammy music award, a kind of Oscar for musicians.

Since 2011, a miniature statuette of a gilded gramophone is annually awarded in 78 categories (108 previously).

The most prestigious of them are Song of the Year, Record of the Year, Album of the Year and Best New Artist. So, conductor Georg Solti has 31 Grammy awards, the U2 band got 22, and both Michael Jackson and Santana took away 8 statuettes in one night.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

6 place – The ACM Turing Award

The Turing Award, founded by the Association of Computing Machinery in 1966, helps to appreciate specialists in the field of computer science.

It owes its name to the outstanding English mathematician and cryptographer Alan Turing who became world-famous after deciphering the code of the German Enigma encryption machine thanks to which millions of lives were saved. Such serious results were obtained long before the appearance of the first computers.

Until 2014, the prize fund was sponsored by Intel and Google. The latter continues to sponsor the award after its reward was increased from $250 thousand to $1 million.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

7 placeThe Pritzker Architecture Prize

Firmness, commodity and delight: these words can be read on the bronze medal of the Pritzker Prize laureates since 1979.

The Pritzker family, which owns a chain of five-star Hyatt hotels around the world, became the founders of the most prestigious award in the field of architecture. The main prize, $100 thousand, is received by those whose architectural ideas are recognized as the most innovative.

Exhibitions of outstanding works are held before the award, and the place of award and the composition of the international jury change annually, but one thing remains unchanged: each ceremony always takes place in the best traditions of the Oscar or Nobel Prize.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

8 place – The Turner Prize

The award in the field of contemporary art, founded in 1984, is named after the famous English artist of the XIX century, William Turner.

Initially, the prize was awarded only to British artists, but then this condition was eliminated. In 2017, the age limit was also lifted. The authors have proved with their works that it is possible to be relevant at any age.

The winner's cash reward is estimated at £25 thousand, nominees get £5 thousand.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

9 place – The Fields Medal

Another award in the field of mathematics, namely, 15 thousand Canadian dollars and a gold medal, was established in 1936 by the Canadian mathematician John Fields.

Since then, the Fields Medal has been awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements of the laureates and for their overall contribution to mathematics.

Every 4 years the International Congress of Mathematicians gathers mathematicians under the age of 40 years and stimulates young scientists to new discoveries.

Top 10 most famous and prestigious awards of the world

10 place – The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, ALMA

Since 2002, the Government of Sweden has been interested in increasing public interest in children's and youth literature.

In connection with this, the literary prize of Astrid Lindgren, an incredibly popular writer in Sweden, was established. She wrote such masterpieces as Karlsson-on-the-Roof, the Pippi Longstocking tetralogy, etc.

The global significance and high status of children's literature are underlined by a considerable amount of the bonus fund (about $0.5 million) which is received by those illustrators and writers whose works are imbued with a special mood, “childhood as a state of mind”.

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