
FX.co ★ Five ways to increase your salary

Five ways to increase your salary

There are two main ways to improve your well-being: spend less or earn more. In order to cope with financial difficulties faster, it is better to use both methods at once. But no matter how effective reasonable planning and forced savings are, you can hardly get rich by getting $300 a month. In our review, there are several easy ways to increase your income.

Five ways to increase your salary

Sometimes an excellent specialist works for years and wonders why his salary does not match the experience and qualifications, but does not take any actions to change the situation. Sounds familiar? We offer a few simple tips on how always be appreciated.

These tips are best suited for medium and large commercial organizations. The principles for raising wages in state-owned enterprises and small companies are often unpredictable and devoid of any logic.

Five ways to increase your salary

Evaluate yourself

A person with good self-esteem will not do hard work for a small amount of money for a long time, because he knows that he is “worthy of more”.

Look at your work. Do you like it? Are you a good specialist? Do you add value to this company? Will it be difficult to replace you? Do you want to further improve your professional skills? Are you satisfied with your salary? If the majority of answers (except for the last one) is positive, most likely, you just need a pay rise.

Decide for yourself how much money you should be paid. Set a goal and move towards it.

Five ways to increase your salary

Say your goals aloud

If your work is worth more than what you get for it, go to the management and say it. As long as the employee does not ask, the manager will not be in a hurry to raise the salary.

In addition to money, discuss plans and career prospects with your superiors. It is possible that you have already “outgrown” your position and can take on more serious projects, and perhaps your vision does not coincide with the views of the leadership, and you should immediately clarify the situation in order not to waste time on useless cooperation.

Five ways to increase your salary

More benefits, more vitamins!

Maybe you are a good specialist, but the company does not receive significant benefits from this. For example, your knowledge of five languages is useless to conduct negotiations within the country.

The main thing is to help the company to become more successful, to enter new territories, and to improve current activities. Suggest your own development plan. If you help the company make more money, your bosses will gladly increase your personal income.

Five ways to increase your salary

Wind of change

Sometimes the company does not know how to change or does not want to, so there will be no changes for you too. In such situation, you should take a vacation, find all the vacancies that suit you and send out your resume. Perhaps a dream job has been waiting for you for a long time.

If you received a good offer, but you are in doubt, tell your boss about it. He can do everything in his power to persuade you not to leave the company.

Five ways to increase your salary

Develop yourself

Maybe right now you do not deserve a lot of money, or the modern labor market cannot offer them to you. Do not be discouraged, you should not give up. On the contrary, continue efforts. Expand your horizons, discover new superpowers.

Find a way to increase your value: engage in self-education, attend master classes, and meet people you respect. Set goals, say them aloud and work to achieve them. If, despite all your efforts, attractive employers ignore you, start your own business.

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