
FX.co ★ Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation

Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation

At the beginning of June, a new version of the Apple operating system, iOS 12, was announced at the WWDC 2018 developers conference. Read in our article what important functions of the new system were not presented.

Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation


The developers promise an increase in the performance of the smartphone after installing iOS 12. This feature will affect even older models, on which, as a rule, the update reduced the speed of work. Now the launch speed will grow by 40%, the speed of recall of the keyboard - by 50%, and the opening of the camera - by up to 70%. These figures will be valid for all iPhones that support iOS12 starting with the iPhone 5s.

Separately it is necessary to tell about more smooth animation in all system which became possible because of productivity increase.

Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation

Group calls by FaceTime

Apple decided to bypass Skype on group calls, which now are supported by the FaceTime app. The user will be able to speak with 32 different people in the conference mode. However, at the same time, the quality suffers. When talking with 32 participants only four close-ups will be shown by FaceTime, the rest people will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. 32 is a figure for advertising because, in fact, only four participants communicate in the video chat.

Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation

New animoji and memoji

New animated emoji or animoji is always a part of any update. Now they can not only move their eyes and open their mouth but also put out the tongue. Is it look familiar? Hello, Snapchat!

In addition, a new kind of animoji, memoji, was added to the Apple pack. Memoji can be created by any user by giving it a resemblance to your face.

Some journalists have already tested the new function and found that the Memoji has no gender, both men and women begin with a standard template which is then personalized.

Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation

Digital Health

As predicted, Apple paid attention to the problem of dependence on the smartphone. A new feature will appear in iOS 12. It will look like charts showing how much time the user spends in an application.

You can impose limits on time you spend on social networks, after which the application will be closed. And you can also set a temporary ban on notifications and social networks. All unnecessary notifications will be blocked. This will help users not to be distracted, for example, at an important meeting, or quietly enjoy an afternoon nap.

Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation

Passwords security control

The head of Apple, Tim Cook, and Craig Federighi drew the attention of those gathered on security issues promising even more reliability and stability in this area. As a rule, increased control negatively affects the user's convenience. But the company took care of it. In iOS 12, a feature will appear that will automatically insert a one-time password from SMS in situations where two-factor user authentication is required. You no longer have to remember and retype digital combinations.

Apple devices will motivate their owners to create more complex passwords and save them in iCloud Keychain in encrypted form.

Passwords will be automatically marked by the system. When trying to use old passwords in new services, the system will ask you to choose a different, more reliable one.

Secrets of iOS 12: what was not included in the Apple's official presentation

Siri is watching you

The Siri voice assistant will track the daily routine of users and offer them tips on the actions they perform most often.

By the way, a large array of data on food was added to Siri, now it can tell you how many calories contains in a particular food or how useful it is. In addition to food, the voice assistant will help you find and remember the password from any application on your smartphone.

iOS 12 will be available to all Apple users in the fall of 2018.

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