
FX.co ★ Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Search for other civilizations, pills that prolong youth, and other stunning projects that attract the attention of the world's best businessmen

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Yuri Milner, a well-known businessman and billionaire, decided to invest in a project that deals with the search for extraterrestrial civilizations. The founder of the DST Global group invested $100 million of personal funds in the Breakthrough Listen campaign, in which popular scientist Stephen Hawking participates. Milner noted that the data suggesting that in our galaxy there are more than 20 billion planets similar to the Earth inspired him to invest in this adventurous project. Yuri Milner, in addition to $100 million, promised to give a million to someone who will write the best message to other races.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Apple CEO Tim Cook and Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google's board of directors, invested in the showerheads of the future. Such devices should allow to spend water more sparingly - this function of showerheads attracted the billionaires. It is known that at first the company that came up with this project tried to collect the necessary amount through the Kikstarter сrowd funding platform, but they were lucky - the movement attracted the famous businessmen. The essence of the showerheads is that it sprays water into millions of small drops that can pollinate 10 times larger area than a simple shower.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska believed in the project of the Russian company "Minotech", developing a "pill for youth" - the antioxidant SkQ1, which should slow the aging of the body. It is known that the billionaire invested in the project $15 million from 2005 to 2008, but during the crisis, the businessman refrained from investing.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

The famous Microsoft founder Bill Gates has been investing in projects that should significantly improve the quality of life on our planet for many years. His recent hobby is the recycling of human waste into the water. The startup is called Omniprocessor, its main mission is to address the shortage of drinking water in the third world. It is known that the station, which processes not the most pleasant products, is called Janicki Bioenergy. The pilot platform was installed in Dakar, where one-third of the population does not have access to urban sewerage.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Sergey Brin, the founder and director of the Google's special projects, decided to invest his personal funds in artificially grown meat. Brin did not regret investing $300 million in such startup. It is noted that at the moment the product is very expensive, and it will probably not be possible to see it on store shelves in the near future.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

The co-founder of PayPal Peter Thiel, who is also one of the first Facebook investors, decided to invest his personal funds in the construction of floating cities-colonies. Such sovereign cities are a peculiar model of the state. It is assumed that the floating "houses" will drift near the coast of sunny California. The first city-colony is planned to be populated by 2020, and after another 30 years, the startup creators want to bring the number of residents of such platforms to 10 million people.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Ilon Mask, famous for his love for the projects of the future, decided to invest some of his savings in a project that investigates potential threats from artificial intelligence. Mask said that he watched many films, such as "Terminator", which make you think about the inadequate behavior of machines created by man.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Dmitry Itskov, the general director of the Russian online company Newmedia Stars, invested his own money in the "Russia 2045" movement that he invented. The essence of this startup is to acquire the immortality by a person at the expense of an artificial body. The main project within the movement is called "Avatar." Itskov sincerely believes that people can live forever, "transferring" their brains to artificial bodies. The businessman presented his project in New York, but there it was considered unreal. However, the entrepreneur does not think so - the site "Russia 2045" is functioning and waiting for applications for the acquisition of immortality in an artificial body.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

Co-founder of Google Larry Page is ready to allocate some part of his multi-million savings to projects involved in the industrial development of asteroids. So, Page invested in Planetary Resources, a company founded by NASA employees. The main task of the project is the extraction of useful resources, for example, minerals, on asteroids.

Unimaginable future: investments of the well-known billionaires

The founder of Ampyx Power, Bas Lansdorp, invests part of his monetary fortune in a project aimed at colonizing Mars. The businessman founded the company Mars One. It was this man who set out to drop the first group of people off on the Red Planet in 2025. In total, 24 people will fly to Mars if the project will be successful.

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