
FX.co ★ Most popular means of transport of the future

Most popular means of transport of the future

The future has a lot of surprises for humanity, but as regards the transport industry, as a rule, they are pleasant. Take a look at impressive vehicle novelties in our photo gallery.

Most popular means of transport of the future

    In the future, according to futurists forecasts, public transport can undergo a number of changes. First of all, they will affect cars and trains - the most common means of transportation. Take a look at the innovations of our days related to the transport industry.

Most popular means of transport of the future

    Electric cars

Experts consider electric vehicles as the first signs of the transport of the future. These vehicles are fast enough and use less energy than conventional cars. As a fuel, biowaste and biodiesel can serve as alternative sources of energy for vehicles with internal combustion engines.

Most popular means of transport of the future

    Highway pipelines

Some engineers are seriously engaged in such developments as the pipeline for vehicles. Henry Liu, an American engineer, proposed his development of such pipeline for the transportation of goods. Later in these pipelines it will be possible to transport people. Such passenger transportation system was developed by the head of Space X and Tesla Elon Musk. It will include a system of pipelines located on the flyovers, capsules floating in the air will move through the tubes. The speed of capsules can reach 600 km in half an hour, assures the inventor.

Most popular means of transport of the future

    Improved trains

According to experts, passenger trains will become even more spacious and fast. Currently, the grandiose project of the London-Beijing route is being discussed. The highway with the length of 9 thousand km is planned to be built by 2020. The entire road will take a couple of days at a speed of 320 km/h, the developers consider. At the moment, the Maglev train is the fastest one, it's speed reaches 581 km/h. Supported by a magnetic field in the air, it flies over the rails. The future belongs to such trains, experts believe.

Most popular means of transport of the future

    Underwater Cars

Water transport will also seriously change, experts say. Underwater motorcycles and cars will replace the usual boats and speedboats. In Switzerland, experts are engaged in the development of the project sQuba, implying the creation of a new kind of auto, capable of moving underwater. Movement underwater is provided by two screws located under the rear bumper, and a pair of swivel water cannons near the front wheels. The vehicle runs on electric motors. A waterproof cap is also planned to be added to the model.

Most popular means of transport of the future

    Passenger space vehicles

Flying into space, available to a small number of specially trained people, can become a reality for the majority of citizens. The UK engineers are developing a model of an orbital plane capable of transporting not only huge loads (up to 12 tons) but also passengers. They are creating an unmanned and manned spacecraft versions. Such spacecraft will be able to lift 300 passengers. They will fly round the entire planet in 4 hours, the developers say. The experimental model of the spacecraft will be launched in 2019.

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