
FX.co ★ 9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

It is well known that the sleeping fox catches no chickens. In order to achieve the goals, the most important thing is to understand that the guarantee of success is the steady adherence to certain principles. Experience shows that you should not disregard the advice of the world's most successful people because not all of them were originally prosperous people. Many of them started from scratch and achieved amazing results.

Here are nine tricks that incredibly successful people use to accomplish their goals.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Sundar Pichai — Know what morning routine works best for you

The CEO of Google sets himself up for success every morning with his pre-dawn routine. Pichai digs into an omelette, drinks tea, and catches up on the news. So take care of yourself in the morning. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself prepared for the rest of the day. By taking some time for yourself, you'll be setting yourself up to better tackle your goals throughout the day.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Mark Zuckerberg — Simplify your choices

We all have to make countless decisions throughout the day. That's just life — but sometimes, all those choices can weigh us down. That's why the CEO of Facebook — whose decisions directly impact the well-being of a $480 billion company — eliminates unnecessary choices from his life. For example, every morning, Zuckerberg puts on a "uniform" of sorts: jeans, sneakers, and a gray t-shirt. By adopting a comfortable work uniform, the CEO helps stave off decision fatigue, which can result in impulsiveness and indecisiveness.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Beyoncé Knowles — Don't talk about your goals

It's easy to fall into to the trap of gabbing about our goals to everyone who will listen. After all, once your plans are out there, you'll have to follow through. Communicating your goals tricks the brain into thinking you've already achieved them. So, basically, the more you talk about your plans, the less motivated you are to actually get stuff done. We should really be more like Beyonce, who famously released a full album out of the blue in 2016.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Angela Merkel — Consider all your options

Rushing into decisions can seriously trip you up and further delay your progress. It's almost always better to avoid impulsive decisions and instead base your choice on observing what's going on around you, as that will give you "the power to weigh those observations against your instincts."

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Bill Gates and Elon Musk — Keep a tight schedule

In any busy working schedule, there should be small breaks, consider the magnates Bill Gates and Elon Musk. In fact, both tech moguls break their days into five-minute increments. Everything is planned, down to the minute. It's a great lesson for anyone looking to accomplish more in 24 hours. This sort of extreme scheduling can help people boost their productivity and achieve more in a day.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Oprah Winfrey — Ask yourself tough questions

The media mogul has a surefire way of breaking the cycle of procrastination. She asks herself tough questions. The truth is, we typically procrastinate for a reason. By identifying, examining, and confronting that reason head on, we can effectively move on and keep working toward our goals.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Bill Gates, Sheryl Sandberg, and Richard Branson — Write stuff down

The major names in business Bill Gates, Sheryl Sandberg, and Richard Branson expedite the process by writing things down. They carry around notebooks and pens at all times. When inspiration strikes, Gates and Branson are able to capture it in writing. Sandberg, meanwhile, stays on track at Facebook by using her notebook as an old-school planner.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

Jeff Bezos — Don't waste your time on meetings

Meetings can turn out to be a huge time sink. And they're not always super effective. The CEO of Amazon keeps to a strict rule when it comes to meetings. He never has a meeting where two pizzas couldn't feed the whole group. The more people you cram into a meeting, the less effective it will be. According to Fast Company, small groups tend to be far more innovative. By cutting out unnecessary, useless meetings, Bezos is able to devote more time toward working to further his goals every day.

9 ways to succeed: world's most successful people's tricks

JK Rowling — Finish what you start, no matter who's watching

Not all people could finish their creative projects, regardless of whether or not they where sure anyone would watch, read, or listen to them. However, those who carry the things they start through to their logical end, have something to boast about: the author struggled financially before the "Harry Potter" series took off and she has since gone on to become one of the wealthiest people in the world.

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