
FX.co ★ Five best US foreign policy presidents

Five best US foreign policy presidents

The American president is responsible not only for the domestic policy, but also for the United States' foreign policy. A good foreign policy is one that serves the country's interests. Below are the five best US foreign policy presidents.

Five best US foreign policy presidents

In addition to coordinating domestic issues with Congress and the states, the US president is also responsible for a foreign policy. The president's foreign policy powers include commanding the armed forces, making treaties and appointing diplomats, etc. Our article covers a brief history of the American presidents whose foreign policy is considered the best.

Five best US foreign policy presidents

George Washington

The first US president, serving from 1789 to 1797, was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, a participant in the American Revolutionary War, and the founder of the institution of the American presidency. Washington's foreign policy was distinguished by the superiority of executive power over the legislative.

The president advocated a policy of US neutrality in the confrontation of European powers, thereby avoiding serious military conflicts with other countries. In addition, Washington greatly contributed to the development of international trade
Five best US foreign policy presidents

John Adams

John Adams served during 1797-1801 as the second president of the United States and America's first vice president. Moreover, he is often called 'the father of the American Navy'.

However, his reign was marked by state crises and conflicts. Thus, the XYZ Affair was a diplomatic incident that caused an unofficial naval war between France and the United States.

Five best US foreign policy presidents

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States mostly known for his role in leading the Union to victory in the Civil War in 1861-1865. He was personally involved in planning and directing the military mission. His presidency led to a strengthening of the executive power.

It was Abraham Lincoln who signed the bill authorizing the transcontinental railroad and signed the Homestead Act, an effort by the US government to solve the agricultural issue.

Five best US foreign policy presidents

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in mediation to end the Russo-Japanese War. Roosevelt's foreign policy made the US a full-fledged global power that gained recognition from European countries.

Roosevelt dusted off the Monroe Doctrine that proclaimed that European powers would no longer interfere with affairs of the newly independent nations of the Americas. One of Roosevelt's greatest achievements was the creation of the Panama Canal.

Five best US foreign policy presidents

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the US. He took office in 1969 and resigned in 1974 before the end of his term. Under his presidency, American astronauts were the first men to walk on the Moon and were the first men to walk on the Moon, and the Bretton Woods system was suspended. Nixon's foreign policy helped to improve relations with China, ease tensions with the USSR and stop the Vietnam War.

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