
FX.co ★ Top 7 authoritative CEOs

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

According to the Glassdoor Internet portal, most executives of popular global companies are recognized as the best. More details are in our photo gallery.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Spending most of the time at work, any employee wants to work under the guidance of not only an experienced but attentive boss. The Glassdoor Internet portal, which devotes their articles mainly to work and career, interviewed employees of various companies. The result of the survey was the rating of companies' top CEOs.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook social network

    In the popularity rating, Zuckerberg got first place gaining 98% of the votes of the employees. The popularity of the young leader is explained by an attentive attitude to employees, as well as excellent bonuses provided by the company. The staff, according to the statements of the employees, is very good and friendly.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Sundar Pichai, Google search engine

    The second place in terms of popularity was awarded to the head of Google, Sundar Pichai, with 96% votes. The company has a high level of trust in management which supports career aspirations of employees and their professional growth.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Satya Nadella, Microsoft company

    In the rating of popularity Nadella, who collected 95% of the votes, takes an honorable third place. He is considered an excellent leader feeling the market situation and acting in the right direction. In the company itself, high salaries, encouraging bonuses and excellent corporate culture are noted.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Tim Cook, Apple Corporation

    The fourth place among the most respected and popular leaders is occupied by the head of Apple, Tim Cook, who collected 93% of the vote. The company records the highest level of corporate culture, as well as a constant readiness for change and innovation. The research emphasizes that the management inspires employees with their example.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Elon Musk, Tesla and Space X companies

    Elon Musk takes the fifth place in the popularity rating gaining just over 86% of the vote. The management of the company is very loyal to employees, provides them with huge opportunities for self-realization for the benefit of the whole company. It is noted that this approach allows even younger staff to feel involvement in the activities of corporations.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Jeff Bezos, Amazon company

    The sixth place in the rating of the most popular managers is held by Jeff Bezos: his actions were approved by 86% of the employees. The company has a high level of trust and corporate support. Employees are ready to climb the career ladder and help develop a common cause.

Top 7 authoritative CEOs

    Ginny Rometty, IBM

    The seventh place in the rating of the most popular leaders was given to Ginny Rometti with 62% of the vote. The company is actively working to protect the rights of employees while maintaining the hierarchy.

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