
FX.co ★ Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

Who of the current American politicians the Republican party consultant Rob Stutzman sees as a potential President of the country, we offer you to learn from our article

Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

This year in early August a surprise announcement came from a Republican party consultant Rob Stutzman. The expert made a prediction about the possible candidates for the Presidential post. We will remind, the elections of the new head of state in the U.S. will be no earlier than in 2020, but the forecasts of the leading analyst are worth listening to.

Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

The first candidate in R. Stutzman's list is Ted Cruz, the U.S. Senator, member of the Republican party. Two years ago, he declared his intention to compete for the opportunity to participate in the presidential elections in 2016, but last May, he was defeated in the primaries in Indiana, having received 36,6% of the votes versus 53.3% received by Trump. After that, T. Cruz dropped out of the presidential race. In social policy he is considered to be an opponent of abortion, Obamacare, gay marriage, marijuana legalization, but he supports death penalty and the right to possess and carry firearms.

Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

In R. Stutzman's opinion, the Second candidate for the U.S. President in 2020 is Jeff Flake, the Republican Party representative. In the spring 2016 D. Flake announced the rejection of D. Trump and his policies. This gave rise to disagreements between him and John McCain. D. McCain who, by contrast, supported the current President. Currently Flake is positioning himself as a conservative, defending the Republican Party honor, and not susceptible to the new trends in politics.

Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

The third candidate for the presidency, according to the U.S. Republican Party consultant is John Kasich, American politician, current Governor of Ohio. During the 2010 General elections, the Republican defeated former Governor-Democrat Ted Strickland. After 4 years D. Kasich was re-elected as a head of Ohio. After D. Trump's victory on the elections Kasich repeatedly clamored against him. According to the experts, he does not exclude the possibility of participating in the presidential race of 2020.

Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

The fourth candidate in R. Stutzman's list is a person named Ben Sasse, who is also representing the Republican party and is currently the United States Senator from Nebraska. Ten years ago B. Sasse was appointed by former President George Bush to be the chief advisor of the Health and Social Development Minister. He worked there until January 2009. Later the politician was involved in advising private investors in the health sector and began teaching at the University of Texas. Currently he is known as D. Trump critic.

Five candidates to replace Trump in 2020

The fifth place in this list of potential candidates for the post of the President of the United States is taken by Scott Walker who is an American politician from the Republican Party and the incumbent Governor of the Wisconsin State. S. Walker won the Governor chair in 2010, gaining 52% of the total number of votes. The media notes his positive image which is associated with the economic success of his state. Thanks to his long and positive economic experience S. Walker may become a serious competitor to Trump, R. Stutzman believes.

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