
FX.co ★ South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

Tens of thousands of protesters in South Korea have held a mass rally against a raft of government policies that they say weaken democracy.

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

    Constitutional court of South Korea upheld the decision of the Parliament on the impeachment of President Park Geun-Hye because of a corruption scandal. On Wednesday, on the eve of the court's decision announcement, residents of Seoul took the streets of the city to support the impeachment. After the question of removing the politician from the duties was closed, rallies of ex-head's supporters were held in the capital of South Korea. As a result, two people were killed.

    Photo: Pak Geun-Hye's supporters near the courthouse.

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

    Park was impeached in December amid a corruption scandal and abuse of power in connection with allegations of conspiring with her friend, Choi Soon-sil. The president's close confidante Choi Soon-sil has been accused of extorting money from corporations such as Samsung. She is accused of extortion of about $ 65.5 billion. It is assumed that the woman tried to sell the loyalty of the country's president to businessmen.

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

    When announcing the court's decision, the chairman of the court, Li Yung-mi, said: "We excommunicate Pak Kun Hye from the post. Her actions betrayed the confidence of the people. They rudely violate the law, and must not be tolerated. "

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

    Photo: A stampede during the protest in Seoul.

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

Photo: The impeachment supporter during the rally, March 9, Seoul.

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye


South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

    Photo: The police officers are trying to disperse the supporters of the ex-head of the country, March 10.

South Korea protests: Seoul rally against Park Geun-Hye

The president Park is the country's first female president and was elected two years ago. She took office in 2013. A new election will have to be held within 60 days. It is expected that they will be held on May 9.

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