
FX.co ★ Price of family life in American cities

Price of family life in American cities

The British agency Nested published the rent index and real estate index in the cities of the world for 2017. How much does a square foot cost in the ten largest cities in the United States?

Price of family life in American cities

    he research includes the minimum gross salary required to support an individual and a family of four in rented property, based on the minimum space recommended for one person, and for a family.

Price of family life in American cities

    According to the report experts at Nested came to the conclusion that the most expensive cities in the world for rental housing are three American cities San Francisco, New York (photo) and Boston.

Price of family life in American cities

    For example, a square foot in San Francisco costs $4.95 which is the largest figure among all cities of the world. Another American city Detroit, on the contrary, is the economical option with square foot price $1.09.

    Nested estimated that for the lease of property for one person in San Francisco, a person needs to earn $85,985 a year. And to rent a house for a family of four it is necessary to receive an annual income of $163,151.

Price of family life in American cities

    New York takes the second place in the list. A square foot of property is worth $4.75 ($0.2 less than in San Francisco). A person renting an apartment in New York must pay $1,994 a month (the figure twice as much for a family).

Price of family life in American cities

    The third place goes to Boston. The price of one square foot in this metropolis is $4.10. To be able to pay the rent for one person, you must earn $71,220 annually. To pay for housing for a family, annual income should be approximately two times higher.

Price of family life in American cities

    The fourth place belongs to the main city of the US, Washington. A square foot in the capital is worth $3.33. Monthly rent fee for an individual here is equal $1,397; for family it is worth $2,652..

Price of family life in American cities

    In Seattle a square foot price is $3.07. To rent an apartment in this city for one person, an American needs to earn $53,328 a year, and $101,186 for a family of four.

Price of family life in American cities

    The sixth position goes to Los Angeles ($2.86 per square foot). The main stellar city in the US is followed by Miami ($2.84 per square foot), Chicago ($2.49 per square foot) and Houston ($1.49 per square foot). The tenth place goes to the most economical metropolis in States Detroit ($1.09 per square foot). The city is ready to shelter all poor Americans. He or she must earn $18,933 a year for housing payment for one person, and to rent an apartment for a family a citizen must get an annual income of $35,926.

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