
FX.co ★ Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

In less than a month of his legal being as the US President Donald Trump had time to conduct negotiations with the representatives of a number of the states. Who exactly the billionaire tried to establish a contact with – in our photo gallery

Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

    The first politician in the list is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa May. The Head of the United States of America met her at the end of January, during the official visit of the British woman to Washington.

    The politicians discussed the issue of the anti-Russian sanctions and spoke on other important topics. On behalf of the Queen of the United Kingdom Elizabeth II, May invited the new Head of the White House to London on a return visit.

    In terms of the cooperation between two states with the Russian Federation, the British Primier advised to be on the lookout, using the rule “trust and verify".

    Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

      The British received the news about Trump's possible visit to the state with care. The initiative British people created the petition, making a request to the government for calling off a visit of the American President to the United Kingdom.

    Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

      The second important politician with a formal visit to the White House was the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. The guest from the Land of the Rising Sun arrived to the USA on February 10. The leaders of two states conducted two-day negotiations. The main objective of Abe's visit to the States is considered to be the Japanese Prime Minister's wish to get Trump to retain American military presence in the Asia-Pacific Region.

    Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

      The contact of Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe was not confined only to formal events. After the negotiations and press conference the politicians and their ladies left for the seaside of Palm Beach (Florida).

    Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

      At the beginning of the current week Donald Trump welcomed one more important guest in the White House – the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau.

    Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

      On February 15 one more politician – the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu – came to Washington for a meeting with Donald Trump. The guest arrived from Israel to the USA with his wife.

      During the joint press conference Donald Trump promised Netanyahu, that he would try to secure a treaty of peace between Palestine and Israel. By making that statement, the new Head of the USA indicated, that he didn't intend to continue the long-standing policy of the White House about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Earlier the States favoured the idea of establishing an independent Palestinian state.

      Networking: the politicians, who Donald Trump has had a chance to meet with

        It is known, that Netanyahu remained satisfied with the negotiations with Trump. The Prime Minister called the new Head of the United States the best friend of Israel.

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