
FX.co ★ A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

Who of the well-known business persons of the United States of America can not boast of American origin – in our photo gallery

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

    The “apple" brand creator and the legendary founder of Apple Steven Paul Jobs was born in the family of student emigrants from Germany. The young parents had to give up the future star of IT world for adoption. The famous last name was given to the creator of iPhone by his adoptive father. Steve himself called Paul and Clara Jobs as his parents of origin. They "were my parents 1,000%", the businessman said.

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

    The businessman Sam Yagan, who has made the career in the States, can not boast of American origin. Yagan is of immigrant family from Syria. The entrepreneur is known by the creation of OkCupid, the e-dating site. Besides, the Syrian takes the post of CEO of Shoprunner.com. In 2013 the Time edition included the businessman into the list of the most influential people in the world.

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

    The considerable economist Nouriel Roubini was born in the family of Iranian Jews. As a child, he lived in Iran and Israel. The future professor of economics of New York University spent his collage years in Italy. Roubini predicted of the global financial crisis of 2008. At the moment he is the chairman of RGE Monitor.

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

    One more immigrant from the family of Iranian origin, who has become known in the United States of America, is the economist Mark Zandi. The present day he represents the analytical subdivision of Moody's.

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

    The co-founder of Oracle Corporation Bob Miner (in the middle of the picture) was also an important person in the American business environment. The entrepreneur had Iranian roots. His parents moved from Azerbaijan to the States in 1920.

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

    The distinguished figure in programming Pierre Omidyar, recognized in the States, is the son of Iranian immigrants. Omidyar is best known as the founder of eBay.

A migrant per a billion: 7 business persons of un-American origin, who built the meteorical career in the USA

    The youngest member of the list – the founder of the Google search system Sergey Brin – moved from Russia to the States. His parents, mathematics professors of Jewish origin, left for America, when the small boy Sergey was five years old.

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