
FX.co ★ The world of IT-technologies: 5 main trends of the incoming year

The world of IT-technologies: 5 main trends of the incoming year

The experts named IT-trends which will be at the peak of popularity in 2017 according to the polling data. The details are in our photo gallery

The world of IT-technologies: 5 main trends of the incoming year

    Intelligent machines

    The idea of the machines, having the artificial intellect, caught on in the audience's minds. Today almost all the well-known technology companies of the world work at the creation of smart IT-helpers. Popular fantastic films advocates the idea demonstrating anthropomorphous golems, androids and advanced vocal assistants to the audience. That's exactly why some are beware of that repeating the motion picture scripts the future machines will capture the Earth and clear it out of people at the last.

    The polls, having held by the Ericsson ConsumerLab company, showed that 25% of the respondents are frighten of the perspective appearance of robot assistants, and 40% of the pollees do not want to be managed by a robot director instead of a real man (every fourth pollee is ready for the adventure). Many respondents confessed that they would be open to the idea to see smart robots among their colleagues, 35% would like to have a high-technology assistant in their companies.

    The world of IT-technologies: 5 main trends of the incoming year

      Internet of things

      The owners of modern gadgets have already become accustomed to the novelties of IT-world which allow them to operate audio system, to open front and automobiles doors, to switch on and off the light, to control temperature in the house and others with a help of smart phone. Appreciated the novelties' convenience, according to the polls, the audience hopes that in the near future the mobile applications will keep in mind all the preferences of the smart phone's owner and will be able to control the household appliances automatically. The metropolis citizens, who are often short of time to do domestic cares, are looking forward to such IT-assistants.

      However the connoisseurs of technological novelties should understand that at the same time as new applications appear, DdoS attacks, which are organized with a help of botnets, are becoming more powerful. The experts give notice that the possibility of all the household appliances' breakdown is quite probable.

      The world of IT-technologies: 5 main trends of the incoming year

        Self-driving cars

        It's amazing but according to the polls, every fourth foot-passenger will feel reassured if cars are driven by robots (autopilot). 65% of the respondents would like to have a self-driving car.

        A self-driving car is one of the main technological trends of the last years. Such well-known companies as Google, Tesla Motors and others work at the creation of such cars. The automobile market still doesn't have a model which is able to release drivers from driving in full. The existent self-driving systems are imperfect and can fail at any moment. So in 2016 there was an unfortunate incident with an electric car Tesla Model S – the car driven by autopilot bumped up against the tractor-trailer. The electric sedan's driver died.

        The world of IT-technologies: 5 main trends of the incoming year

          Augmented reality

          The polls showed that the users of augmented reality were sure that in several years it wouldn't be possible to distinguish it from the real one. 50% of the pollees noted that they thought of buying of special accessories (gloves, shoes), with a help of which they could control VR objects.

          The developed in 2016 Pokemon Go game showed that the potential of augmented reality was high. The amateurs of this IT-trend expect that in future they will be able to size the possibilities of augmented reality not only through games but through other tools. The most popular VP object is glasses – more than a half of the pollees expressed the desire to have it.

          The world of IT-technologies: 5 main trends of the incoming year

            IT privacy

            About 50% of the respondents mentioned that they intended to use only those services which provided a means of data encryption. However the third part of the pollees considers that the authorities should have access to personal data of the users because it may assist with fight against terrorism.

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