
FX.co ★ Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

Which one of the American politicians and business persons can get a chance to work together with the new President Donald Trump, we suggest to know from our material

Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

    Newton Gingrich

    According to the Politico newspaper, one of the vocal advocates of D.Trump is Newton Gingrich, a former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. He is known as a writer, publicist and a businessman, and also a co-author and architect of the “Contract with America". N.Gingrich is a high-profile conservative, sharing D.Trump's positions as for Russia and V.Purin. He is a foe to abortions, the additional investments in environment protection and social sphere.

    Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

      Bob Corker

      The multimillionaire Bob Corker has been a member of the US Senate for 9 years, and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations since the last year. His views differs from N. Gingrich's position by contrast. He is an advocate of toughen sanctions against Russia and NATO strengtheningfor deterrence against the so-called Russian aggression.

      Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

        John Bolton

        Some American media sources name John Bolton as a veteran of State Department. He had to stand for the USA in the UN, to work at the American Enterprise Institute. He stood at the origins of the international non-profit organization “Friends of Israel Initiative". J.Bolton is a radical conservative, a hard-liner to North Korea, Iran, Cuba and the RF.

        Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

          Jeff Sessions

          The former State Attorney Jeff Sessions also holds conservative views. He is considered to be a core supporter of D.Trump and he was among the first to hold him up. During the presidential race J.Sessions consulted the future US Head on the issues of migration policy and national security.

          Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

            Stephen Hadley

            Stephen Hadley's career started with the US Navy. Hereafter he succeded to become an Assistant to the President George Bush Jr. Ten years ago the politician announced the renewed the US national security strategy, drafted after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

            Who makes the team of Donald Trump?


              Michael Flynn is considered to be the most high-ranking military officer in D.Trump's team. M.Flynn left the office of the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency two years ago. He advocates the strengthening of relations with Russia. Earlier the former military intelligence operative belonged to the Democratic Party, but then moved to republicans.

              Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

                Rudolph Giuliani

                The former mayor of New York City Rudolph Giuliani is a lawyer by occupation. He started his career with the post of attorney. Serving as a mayor R.Giuliani fought very hard against unemployment, pursued a successful budgetary policy and carried out the programmes providing support for children. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 he took part in the rescue efforts, rendered the material assistance to injured people.

                Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

                  Chris Christie

                  Chris Christie, a politologist and lawyer, a Governer of New Jersey, gave assistance to the President George Bush Jr. in the election campaign. He is considered to be a centrist of the Republican Party. He opposed the legalization of same-sex marriages, but he approved the legalization of a medical marijuana use. Earlier C.Christie criticized the external policy of B.Obama's administration.

                  Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

                    Wilbur Ross

                    The billionaire Wilbur Ross ($2.9 billion) has a wealth of experience in subcritical company restructurings of such sectors as metallurgy, coal mining, telecommunications and others.

                    Who makes the team of Donald Trump?

                      Ben Carson

                      Ben Carson, also fighting the current presidential election, is a well-known neurosurgeon and writer. The unique surgical separation of the craniopagus Siamese twins brought his name into repute. He was among the first to operate them. B.Carson advocates the prohibition of abortion, opposes the same-sex marriages and does not support the investments in combating clamate changes.

                      It is expected, that the neurosurgeon can take a post of a Secretary of Education.

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