
FX.co ★ Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

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Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    Experts making this rating payed attention to such indicators as the number of patents and scale of research conducted at the university. The top 100 most innovative universities of the world includes 46 institutions in the US (the country is in the first place in terms of the best universities). Also, the hundred consists of educational institutions of Japan, Belgium, France, South Korea and other countries.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The tenth place belongs to the Northwestern University (USA). The institution graduated Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and well-known American politician Richard Gephardt and filed 295 patent applications from 2009 to 2014. About half of them has been approved.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    Belgian University of Leuven goes the ninth. The most famous alumnus of the university is head of Nestle Paul Bulcke. The University applied for 301 patents from 2009 to 2014. Response share (grant of patent) was 37.2%.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The University of Pennsylvania (USA) stands the eighth. During the same period, the school sent 517 applications for patents, 33.5% of them were approved. Famous alumni of the University of Pennsylvania are the US president and billionaire Donald Trump and philanthropist Ron Perelman.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The University of Michigan, which sent 528 patent applications from 2009 to 2014, takes the seventh place. The security document certifying the exclusive right to an invention was issued to 46.4% of applicants (professors and students of the university). The university graduated vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Charles Munger and head of Uptake Brad Kivell.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The sixth position goes to the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). For six years (2009 to 2014), the university sent 911 patent applications. Almost all applications were approved (83.5%).

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The University whose alumni are former NASA astronaut Bonnie Dunbar and former governor of Washington Daniel Evans is in the fifth place. In six years, the university filed 457 patent applications, 37.2% of which were approved.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The University of Texas is ranked the fourth. Famous graduates of the university are Dell founder Michael Dell and head of National Instruments James Truchard.

    The university sent 941 patent application from 2009 to 2014. About 40% of them were approved.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The world-famous Harvard University opens the top three leaders. This institution graduated eight US presidents and 75 Nobel Prize Winners. In six years, the university sent 824 patent applications, 24% of which were approved.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    One of the most famous innovative universities in the world called Massachusetts Institute of Technology is on the second place. The University filed 1289 patent applications in the period from 2009 to 2014. About 50% of them were approved. Notable alumni of this university are co-owner of Koch Industries Charles Koch and former head of CIT Group John Thain.

Cradle of innovation: top 10 technological universities of the world

    The first place goes to the Stanford University. Notable alumni known to the modern public are businessman Larry Page and Google co-founder and co-founder of PayPal Peter Thiel. For six years the University filed 612 patent applications, almost 40% of them were approved.

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