
FX.co ★ Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

"Women meet the spring with Dilma" - the name given to the action in support of the former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

Thousands have demonstrated across Brazil against the potential impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. Brazilians in 17 states and the nation's capital, Brasilia, took to the streets in defense of beleaguered President Dilma Rousseff.

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

Brazil's first female president Dilma Rousseff has been thrown out of office by the country's corruption-tainted senate after a gruelling impeachment trial that ends 13 years of Workers' party rule. Rousseff's supporters are going to challenge the impeachment decision at the Supreme Federal Court. They have prepared two appeals: the first appeal mentions procedural violations; the second says there are no grounds for Rousseff's impeachment.

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

September 22 in the country is considered to be the first day of the spring. That is why the action is called "Women meet spring with Dilma."

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

Among the protesters were many men, and some of them in a sign of support brought fresh flowers, mostly roses and chrysanthemums.

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

"Despite the fact that my heart still feels the pain of injustice, I am still very happy to be here. I am truly grateful to all of you for the fact that today you have come to support me. Nothing can be compared to the love that you pass me ", - said the former president, speaking to his supporter.

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

Some people in the crowd held banners with the slogan "Down with Temer!", expressing the dissatisfaction with the new president of Brazil.

Brazilians rally in support of President Dilma Rousseff

Nilu Mendes, the labor union representative of the oil refining industry, commented on the preparations for the elections in 2018: "I'm not sure that Rousseff can fully return to power. It's very simple: the parliament, which has dismissed her, won't give her the chance to lead the country. "

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