
FX.co ★ The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

The supreme leader of North Korea inspected the livestock farms and remained pleased with them

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    In the photo: head of the DPRK Kim Jong-un and his associates is evaluating the harvest of local corn. To the North Korean leader was pleased, farmers have put the corn cobs of the same size in front of the delegation.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    The main crops in North Korea are potatoes, corn and soybeans.

    In the photo: the North Korean politicians, led by Kim Jong-un, is inspecting corn plantations.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    A month earlier, the head of North Korea carried out the inspection in the pig farm. Pork is the most popular meat in North Korea.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    Despite the fact that the harvest of corn, potatoes and beans pleased Kim Jong-un, the country's agriculture has a specific problem: in North Korea there is a shortage of land suitable for processing. It is known that on average, there are 0.12 hectares of arable land per each citizen of North Korea. For example, in Europe, this figure is several times higher.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

In the photo: Kim Jong-un is evaluating products that are manufactured at the pig farm Taedong.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    In the photo: the head of North Korea is smiling for a photograph during a visit to one of the greenhouses of an agricultural farm.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    In North Korea, special equipment, designed to help farm workers, are not used - they harvest in the old fashioned way - by hand.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    In the photo: the head of North Korea, surrounded by high-ranking officials.

The simple pleasures of Kim Jong-un

    These photos were published by Korean Central News Agency on September 13. Experts believe that North Korea has shown the pictures to the world purposefully: in this way, Pyongyang decided to show that there is actually no lack of food despite what is written in the foreign press with enviable regularity.

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