
FX.co ★ Kashmir unrest enters third month

Kashmir unrest enters third month

The number of victims in clashes between police and protesters in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir has risen to 80 as a new wave of disturbances hit the region.

Kashmir unrest enters third month

    Early on Tuesday morning, the Indian army claims its special forces attacked “launchpads” used by militants to infiltrate across the Line of Control between the Indian and Pakistani administered areas of Jammu and Kashmir. Though it has made similar raids in the past, this is the first time the Indian government has openly acknowledged a raid across the LOC, both in public statements and in leaks to the media. Two Pakistan army soldiers and an unknown number of militants were killed in what the Indian army referred to as “surgical strikes.” Thus, the total number of victims reached 80 people. Thousands of people in the state were injured in the riots.

    Photo: One of the streets of Kashmir, September 12.

Kashmir unrest enters third month

    A new wave of clashes between local residents and law enforcement officers began on Monday. Most of the population of Kashmir, Muslims, despite the prohibitions of the authorities, began to celebrate one of its main holidays – Kurban Bayram on September 12.

    The reason for the clashes was the authorities' intolerance to the confession of the local population and the people's unwillingness to follow state's laws.

Kashmir unrest enters third month

    On Tuesday, Kashmiri Muslims continued to celebrate Kurban Bairam (the festival lasts for three days). Local police, following the instructions of the authorities, disperses large groups of Muslims gathering in open city areas. Police officers throw smoke bombs into citizens and fire from air guns.

Kashmir unrest enters third month

    The riots in Kashmir began after the murder of 22-year-old activist from the Hizb-ul-Mujahidin coalition (recognized in India as the terroristic organization).

    A large number of casualties are due to the use of pneumatic weapons during the protesters dispersal.

Kashmir unrest enters third month

The territory of Kashmir was hotly contested even before India and Pakistan won their independence from Britain in August 1947. Under the partition plan provided by the Indian Independence Act of 1947, Kashmir was free to accede to India or Pakistan. It is noteworthy that India has no official borders with Pakistan in the area of Kashmir.

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