
FX.co ★ Ideas rejected by Google

Ideas rejected by Google

We offer to learn from our photo gallery what projects were refused by the Google corporation and why

Ideas rejected by Google

    The idea of a modular smartphone

    The Alphabet corporation, the parent company of Google, decided to wind down the development of Project Ara modular phones after three years from the start of the project. Google had to close it because of the rationalization of the approach to creating smartphones. Work on the device was discontinued due to an attempt to reduce the cost of devices and a number of technical problems.

Ideas rejected by Google

    The concept of a modular smartphone was formulated 3 years ago by a team of engineers from Motorola Mobility, the "daughter" of Google. The novelty should have been a series of small blocks in the style of LEGO. This idea was based on the principle of using personal computers. A new smartphone was a panel with modules attached to it with a screen, antenna, power supply and microUSB connector.

Ideas rejected by Google

    The idea of a high-speed provider

    Last month, it became known about the unsuccessful project of high-speed Internet provider Google Fiber. Its launch cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars, which it spent on laying fiber optic cables in many cities. Google Fiber started 6 years ago. Later, the management of Google came to the conclusion that this business is more costly than originally thought.

Ideas rejected by Google

    The idea of smart glasses

    Launched 2 years ago, the project of Google Glass smart glasses did not live up to the expectations of the company. The commercial success of this project has not been achieved. Until now, for consumers, glasses remain an expensive and incomprehensible device.

Ideas rejected by Google

    Various Internet projects

    Two years ago, Google turned off its own service "Questions and Answers" because of the tough competition with alike resources. The site was put into read-only mode. The service started work 9 years ago when it was difficult to find useful information on the Internet. Later the situation changed dramatically, and users were able to create content on other online sites.

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