
FX.co ★ Most expensive cities for tourists

Most expensive cities for tourists

The British magazine The Economist conducted a thorough investigation and found out what world's megacities cost travelers the most.

Most expensive cities for tourists

Singapore took the first place. For example, transportation costs in Singapore are almost three times higher than in New York, and the daily rent of an average apartment is $200-300.

Most expensive cities for tourists

The second place is occupied by the romantic capital of the world, Paris. Prices for food, housing and transportation in Paris are very high. For example, a very modest lunch in a cafe will cost at least 30-40 euros.

Most expensive cities for tourists

The third place belongs to the capital of Norway, Oslo. Going to the cinema will cost you at least 20 euros, and for a glass of beer you will pay at least 15 euros. A loaf of bread can be bought there "just" for 8 euros. By the way, renting an apartment also costs a lot - from 5 thousand euros per month.

Most expensive cities for tourists

Swiss Zurich was given the fourth place. A kilogram of rice in Zurich costs 5 euros, a liter of gasoline - 1.62. By the way, many Swiss people go "shopping" in neighboring Germany or Italy, where prices are not so high.

Most expensive cities for tourists

The fifth place was held by Sydney, Australia. Because of the "overheated" housing market, the cost and rental of real estate here have reached sky highs. If, after arriving in Australia, you will stay in medium-sized hotels, eat in a cafe, use a taxi and look around the sights, then the costs will be approximately 180-210 Australian dollars per person per day.

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