
FX.co ★ Seven obstacles to creative thinking

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

Creative thinking implicates active development of personal outlook and mastering of existing skills. The experiences acquired at work are revised and expanded.  As a result, creative people can move with the times. However, there is a series of obstacles to creative thinking

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

Monotony of information inflow

A narrow mindset causes narrow thinking. A person who is not interested in new cannot be fully creative. An individual whose mind is active tries to find not only the latest information but also various facts about a subject of interest.

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

Boredom and laziness

Boredom and laziness are the two main enemies of a creative person. An employee with high cognitive interest will never be bored. Such a person will always find productive activity. Laziness is closely connected to boredom. Usually it occurs in the absence of motivation for any activity. Creative people are often full of energy and only feel lazy from time to time. Generally, laziness plays a role of a safety barrier for them to avoid excessive stress.

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

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People prefer not to trouble themselves. As a result, many take the path of less resistance. Difficult situations require maximum mental capacity and really boost a person's brain development. When an individual tries to stay in good shape and rack his or her brain, unusual ideas come to mind more often. However, it is necessary to relax a little after an intensive mental activity.

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

Lack of aspirations

Desire to reach the top in art or profession is an integral part of success. Lacking ambition, an employee will make little progress, and a career path may be over before it starts.

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

Criticism resentment

Criticism of actions and plans is a painful process for a person's pride, but essential for further development. Creative people take negative comments close to heart. That is why it is important to draw the right conclusions. It is necessary to separate personal criticism from the criticism of your work, and see the core of things. In case of unconstructive criticism, the best thing is to ignore it.

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

Lack of questions

A curious mind is an engine for development. It is fuel for a creative personality. The ability to ask important questions and get the right answers forms creative thinking. If you stop asking questions, it is easy to get into a rut. According to experts, mindless obedience to circumstances leads to a narrow mind.

Seven obstacles to creative thinking

High expectations rejection

Modesty is not a negative characteristic but it can significantly limit both career and creative opportunities of a person. Sometimes it is caused by the fear of failure which experts recommend conquering. Otherwise it can suppress personal abilities. Minor desires lead to insignificant victories that do not bring satisfaction. Sometimes employees believe that they have achieved optimal results, but at the same time, their creative development stops. Experts advise to move forward and desire more.

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