
FX.co ★ Seven best cities for medical tourism

Seven best cities for medical tourism

According to the survey by the Turstat analytical agency, many people prefer foreign medical centres. However, some trust Russian medicine. Turstat has ranked cities offering high-tech medical services.

Seven best cities for medical tourism

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv became the leader among cities which are the most suitable for medical tourism. It was chosen by 27% of the respondents. Israel is one of the most in-demand destination for diagnostics and patients treatment. 30 thousand foreign patients travel to Israel every year, including 48% residents from the CIS. According to the International Health Center (IHRC), the country took the top spot in terms of the quality of medical care.

Seven best cities for medical tourism

Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg holds the second spot on the list of cities with the best medical service. It is preferred by 20% of the respondents. Saint Petersburg offers unique services in the field of medical care. This market is being developed, modernised, and completed with new advanced trends and technologies. Most patients are from the CIS countries. Treatment in Russian clinics costs 40-80% cheaper for foreign patients than in their home countries.

Seven best cities for medical tourism


Moscow, the capital of Russia, is the third among cities that are the most suitable for medical tourism. 16% of the respondents voted for it. Moscow is a multi-million metropolis where the best medical institutions are located. Many residents of the CIS countries consult Moscow specialists. Medical tourism to Moscow has become more popular among Russians recently.

Seven best cities for medical tourism


Kazan retains its fourth spot being the city with excellent healthcare professionals. 10% of the respondents voted for Kazan.

Patients come to Kazan hoping to receive a wide range of medical services of decent quality and at reasonable prices. An impressive number of highly qualified specialists are located in Tatarstan. The most popular areas are orthopedics, traumatology, oncology, gynecology, urology, cardiology, and ophthalmology.

Seven best cities for medical tourism


According to Turstat, Berlin occupies the fifth place in this ranking. It is considered to be one of the most attractive cities for medical tourism. 8% of the respondents voted for it. Germany is a leader in global medical tourism, ranking the second place in Europe in terms of healthcare funding. Examination and treatment are carried out according to international protocols. Research centers operate on the basis of university clinics, and medical innovations are quickly used in treatment programs.

Seven best cities for medical tourism


Seoul, South Korea, is the sixth in the rating of the best countries for medical tourism. It is chosen by 4% of the respondents. There are more than 21 thousand of medical institutions, including multi-field hospitals of the highest category. Patients point out a high level of medical care in Seoul.

Seven best cities for medical tourism


Sochi, Russia, closes the top-7 best medical tourism destinations. It was chosen by 4% of the respodents. Sochi is one of the largest year-round balneological resort in the world and in Russia, where the best sanatoriums and boarding houses of the Black Sea coast are located. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular and nervous systems, reproductive disorders, etc. are successfully treated in Sochi.

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