Robert Kiyosaki suggests recipe of financial well-being


American billionaire, author, and leading guru in financial freedom Robert Kiyosaki is back in the spotlight with fresh ideas for anyone who wants to "live for real." This time, he is urging everyone to embrace Bitcoin. Yes, he advises that we should forget the old standards, say goodbye to “fiat” days, and hello to a crypto-fueled tomorrow! Indeed, who but Robert knows the real path to wealth?

Comparing Bitcoin to traditional currencies, Kiyosaki claims that this digital asset is the magic wand that can solve all financial issues because, from his viewpoint, life only feels good when there is enough money in someone’s account. If cash is tight, the quality of life tends to sadly slide downward.

The financial romantic believes that Bitcoin steps in to help. It promises not only a decent income but also brings some fairness to the world. Kiyosaki reckons that with Bitcoin, a better life will be available not only for the crème de la crème but for everyone.

Interestingly, the term "Bitcoin standard" did not emerge yesterday. Economist Saifedean Ammous first introduced this concept in his book The Bitcoin Standard: A Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, suggesting Bitcoin as a replacement for traditional money. If someone is looking to protect their savings from the bite of inflation, it makes sense to turn attention to Bitcoin.

To sum up, Kiyosaki is convinced that Bitcoin is the best response to economic uncertainty and the sapped US dollar. Perhaps the time is right to stash away not banknotes but a bit of cryptocurrency instead?